Mycore: The Answer to "Now What?"

Mycore is a first-of-its-kind productivity, training, and publishing platform that facilitates closing the gap between aspiration and action. 

Every individual and company has “now what?” moments.  Whether we’re aiming for a personal new year’s resolution, developing a professional skill, or implementing a new process – every individual and group needs to adjust behavior to affect results.  The trouble is, knowledge is perishable, and change is hard.

Two factors keep us from turning values and aspirations into a reality: 1) DISTRACTION, less important daily demands of life encroach and steal our focus from critical tasks and values that are more important and 2) KNOWLEDGE AND ABILITY; we don’t how to do complete the tasks before us.  Even when we learn something new, it takes time and practice to develop a core competency and deepen retention.  Mycore solves both. 

The patent-pending Mycore platform solves the problem of distraction by integrating a best-in-class task management system that flows seamlessly to your calendar—not to a Post-It Note™ or some separate app.  With Mycore, your critical tasks are integrated directly into the calendar system where you live and plan, thereby reinforcing behavioral change.  Our platform also enables users to identify key values, set goals and to be led by performance tracking. 

Mycore solves the knowledge and ability problem through an innovative new digital publishing platform that connects “how to” content from experts with users who want to learn from them.  Experts and users in the Mycore community can create courses with our authoring tool and publish their content to our Expert Marketplace™.  Interested users purchase and download the Expert Programs™, then consume them through a series of SmartTasks™, delivered sequentially to their calendar.  These SmartTasks™ have embedded micro-learning steps, media content, and application exercises that walk users through what to do and how to do it.  The categories of Expert Programs™ currently range from leadership training, hobbies, financial management, weight loss, fitness, marital enhancement, and sales training.  Mycore can even offer implementation exercises for the content shared in popular audio books.  Imagine listening to an audiobook on the way to work, then having SmartTasks™ show up throughout the day reinforcing what you heard by offering practices exercises.  Mycore models spaced repetition learning, a widely accepted method of learning.

Mycore makes money through monthly member subscription fees, corporate/team subscription fees, and from Expert Programs™ sales.


Mycore helps individuals and teams turn aspirations into habits.  In an era where there is a separate app for every function, Mycore stands out and adds value because it integrates everything into one coherent system.  Like Outlook, Mycore is a productivity platform.  Like Lynda and Pluralsite, Mycore is a learning platform.   Like audible and the Apple Store, our software is a publishing platform, and like Microsoft team, it coordinates groups.  But only Mycore integrates all of these functions to help users be their best self by eliminating distractions, increasing ability, and focusing on one’s core values.  Whether a user is reading a great book or attending a training seminar, Mycore is the answer to “Now what?” helping turn learning into living.